Dear Son’Spot Family,

It has been a very fruitful season of ministry. We have just completed a daily ministry schedule that included meeting for Bible time, worship, and fellowship twice a day, boardwalk outreach most days, and outreach meals five days a week. There were 150 to 250 people at most meals. Many were drawn to the Lord. Our full time missionaries were a tremendous help and blessing, as were different youth groups, adult groups, and others who helped us. The reason for each of these events was to lift up the name of Jesus, to share the Good News that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin, that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God, that God has a plan for each of us, and that we can walk a life of victory with God. It was so rewarding to see God plant seeds, water seeds, grow the plants, and produce the harvest. People were born again during Bible time, outreach meals, and boardwalk outreach. Many were baptized. Praise the Lord! To God be the glory! Thank you for praying with us.

Good News Reports From The Weekly Visiting Groups

“Today I witnessed a young man become saved. Another young man was preaching to him about the Gospel. He asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus into his life and the young man said yes. I was able to join in on their prayer.”

“I was able to step out into the UNKNOWN, keep the faith, stand still and watch God draw men as He is lifted up. To witness is a wonderful experience.”

“God renewed the passion for the vision to serve and minister to His people. It was an honor to operate and flow in His Spirit to witness, pray for, and impact people from all walks of life. It was a joy to pray with several people during our Boardwalk experience. Some were in need of encouragement, healing, and simply a touch and agreement for challenges they were confronted with. During the meal ministry I met and spoke with souls from many nationalities. We shared our encounters with God and spoke of His goodness. God gave many, many opportunities.”

“God gave me boldness to sing in front of all the people during the dinner, and to preach on the microphone during dinner and breakfast. He helped me preach the Gospel to some people on the boardwalk and hand out the sand sculpture pamphlets. God helped me walk in the Spirit better so that I don’t fulfill the desires of the flesh. He helped me use scripture to rebuke the enemy and evil desires.”

“God helped me understand the Word a lot better than I thought I knew, but also see it in ways that I did not think about it.”

“I told people on the boardwalk about God and prayed for them even though I usually only pray for my family and friends. He made me less anxious when talking to people.”

“God made me bolder so I could go out and talk to people I’ve never met before. I let go of embarrassment and did things I would have been too scared to do without God. I was able to interact with many different people and share the Word of God with them so they hopefully let Him into their hearts.”

“God helped me open my ears so I could hear His Word and understand His Word so I can use those skills.”

“I feel like I am more confident in things such as my ability to play guitar and speak publicly to others about the Good News of the Gospel.”

“God showed me even more ways to further His kingdom without leaving the USA. He opened my eyes to the world around me, full of people who need Him. God used me to grow His Kingdom this week. We were serving much more than food; we were serving hope.”

“This week I shared my testimony of how God worked in my life and family with a girl from Asia. She said she felt touched and that she understands God much more better. She narrated an example from her life regarding the difficulty to love people when they were mean to her. I gave her the example of Jesus as He told us to love our enemies and those who even cause us pain. I told her that with God everything is possible, that’s why we put our faith in Him and we are able to love our enemies only by His power, strength and love, the love of God. I am praying for her. Jesus is working in her heart.”

“God blessed me spiritually this week by taking me out of my comfort zone to serve Him. Being in a new place and with people I am not familiar with. He opened my eyes and heart to learn more about believers in different nations and their heart to serve God. He has shown me how obedience to Him meets the needs of others both physically and spiritually. He also showed me to keep a humble heart and prayerful heart to stretch me to reach out to others in need of Jesus.”

“God blessed me to see His children from other parts of the world who He chose before the foundation of the world; from Romania, Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Nepal, Mongolia, (Ocean City and Staunton, VA) and to see the joy in their hearts and their faces, and their love for God.”

“God has given me more boldness for Him this week. I have also felt a greater burden for the lost.”

“Through my time here, God has taught me patience, and that serving Him doesn’t mean just spreading His Word by talking to people, but even through something as basic as washing dishes.”

“God has saved my life. He opened my mind and heart.”

We praise the Lord and give him all the glory and honor for these testimonies.

Ministry Schedule

Our schedule from Labor Day to Memorial Day is Thursday and Saturday evenings at 7pm, and Sunday mornings at 10am for ministry, Bible, worship, prayer, and fellowship. Additionally, the outreach dinner ministry is Thursdays at 5pm. Each week food bags (with prayer opportunities) are delivered to about thirty homes. Our desire is to lift up Jesus and to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest and minister as He desires. It is a wonderful thing to be in the presence of the Lord. To God be the glory for all that He has done.

For your future planning, our Happy Birthday Jesus Party is December 14, New Year’s Eve Gathering is December 31, Men’s Gathering is February 21-22, the Women’s Gathering is March 7-8, and Jesus At The Beach is July 28-30, 2025. Flyers for each of these events are located on our webpage. Jesus At The Beach was a blessed three days this year, including baptizing 21 people.

Thank You

Thank you for your prayerful and financial support of God’s work in Ocean City through this missionary outreach. You and we together are being used by Him to share the Good News, set the captive free, and shine as stars among the people. God bless you, we pray, because of your faithfulness to Him. Visit the web site to see newly added pictures, give a donation, and listen online to many of the gatherings at The Son’Spot. There is also a separate Picture Gallery at It’s ALL about HIM.

Gary & Cathy