“I pray that this letter finds you well. It was truly a blessing to be with you during my trip to Ocean City. The work that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is doing through you is truly amazing. I pray for you and your ministry that you may continue in the good work of Jesus Christ. The work you are doing through the Holy Spirit is changing lives and is winning souls for Jesus around the world. Amen. I just wanted to thank you again. It is always good to find the Word and fellowship wherever we go in this world. Looking forward to once again to be there to help and serve our Lord with you in what you do. May God keep you and bless you, may He anoint the hands of all who serve and pray for you today and everyday forward, in Jesus’ Name Amen.”
“The Lord showed me (or reminded me) that Jesus had to learn obedience; He was sent in the flesh (totally human), and I can be encouraged because He has given us His example on how to live a holy life. What a blessing to see our youth excited about the Gospel and eager to share with many in OC. The boldness of our youth is an example of how awesome our God is; He’s in the business of changing lives. Thank you Son’Spot for being faithful to our Lord and for allowing us to join with you.”
“As a youth leader for many years, I have experienced many youth retreats, conferences, and mission trips. While every trip was wonderful in its own way, I believe Son’Spot has the potential to be a TRULY LIFE CHANGING experience for many of the teens who came to serve and evangelize here this week. Many found a gifting in evangelism that they had no idea was there. I witnessed 14 year old children praying for strangers on the boardwalk, even leading some to salvation. I watched every kid step out of their comfort zone into some new ministry opportunity. The youth were challenged in their own walk and challenged to continue to press into God. I want to thank you for the opportunity we were given to watch our teens grow their roots deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love!”
“To me this week was so powerful because I didn’t really want to come but I ended up coming and I changed so many lives. And before I never read my Bible but now every day I read my Proverbs and a new book of the Bible and I feel like a new person. One thing that happened around me and I loved so much was the worship because I could definitely feel God in this building and it was awesome. So all in all I’m so happy I came and had this experience.”
“This trip has been amazing. I have grown in my faith so much that it is literally indescribable. I have been amazed at how my friends have talked to people and even been able to tell them about Jesus. I shared my testimony and it felt so good to let people know who I really was and I felt free. I love serving people. I enjoy watching their face and see how happy they are and thankful because of what we are doing. We went and sang and people got saved and we prayed for people.”
“I am thankful that God is able to provide this place to minister to both the community and in the volunteers.”
“After being at The Son’Spot for about a week, God impacted me through the Word of God. The Word of God that is sharper than a two-edged sword, pierced through my heart. We, as believers, have the power of choice. Our life is shaped by our thoughts. Therefore, choose to think and speak life (Proverbs 18:21). Re-establish that personal one-on-one time with God. Reinforce the godly traits that I once knew. Continuous speaking the Word of God, and whatever thing (ministry) you do wholeheartedly is worship unto God. (Colossians 3:23)”
“This week the experience has been fantastic. Watching and observing and helping people that are in need. God has blessed me being able to help others in need and to also spread His Word to others. Thanks so much for all you do for everyone. I have felt so welcomed. My heart and eyes are truly open. Thank you Jesus!!”
“I had lots of great conversations and prayers with our breakfast and dinner guests. At least three people I talked to had literally not heard the gospel before, so it was an honor to introduce them to the story and character of Jesus!”
“This week God made me understand my worth. He let me know that I am His and that all I need to do is spend more time with Him. God used me to touch the lives of many. I think the most important or impactful thing I discovered this week was that God makes us BOLD because He is with us. I also got to hear testimonies that stood out to me.”
“This weekend has meant so much to me. It has helped me get way out of my comfort zone. God has also shown me that evangelism is what he wants me to do. He helps me by putting the words he wants me to share with everyone. God has also helped me get through one of my biggest storms on this trip.”
“On my Son’Spot trip I learned to defend my faith. I also learned to spend more time in the Word. I got more comfortable talking to people about my faith. I learned not to judge people by the way they look because you don’t know their background. I learned to not be afraid to pray with someone. Lastly I learned to write out verses that stand out.”
“Through my time here at The Son’Spot as a summer missionary, I am learning more and more about the value of setting aside a time that is strictly for being alone with Jesus, and getting the Word to be written on my heart! I’ve known this for most of my life, but I feel like there’s a special anointing at Son’Spot to just catch the fire for a passion of reading the Word and getting it through to your heart everyday.”
“This is my third year coming to Son’Spot with my youth group. Each time I find myself drawing nearer and nearer to Christ. Spending time in the Word is refreshing and it shows me how important it is to root ourselves in it. Despite some bumps in the road, I am as strong as ever in my faith and on fire for Him. I appreciate all of the people here at Son’Spot. Their hard work and dedication has inspired me to walk stronger and shine brighter and to never turn down an opportunity to minister to the lost and broken.”
“This weekend taught me that you don’t have to do a big thing to impact someone’s life and to serve God. Doing something little helps too.”
“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate in the vision that God has placed on your hearts. My heart is so filled up that I feel like there is an outpouring. Tonight at the dinner I asked a young man if he read the Bible. He said no. I gave a Bible to him and marked John chapter 3. He was so appreciative. When you get that one time opportunity to minister to someone, just do it! We are so glad we were able to sow seeds into people’s lives.”
“I learned how to be in and out of season, again. I feel refreshed as a leader and learned even more about leading on missions. It’s not about me but the ones here who are learning and serving. I can reach more and do more as a team. Speaking into someones life or day is even as effective as praying for someone. Being a light Always. So many nuggets of truth from the Bible. Learning to Love all over again, as Christ loved us. Still learning how to let things go.”
“This week God gave me the boldness not only to sing with the worship team, but also sing on the boardwalk. Anyone who knows me knows that this is NOT something I would regularly do. It was very special for me as I saw how the music touched the people walking by. I am very thankful for this opportunity to glorify the Lord and I might even continue with the worship team at my church.”
“This week has meant a lot to me. I have learned a lot about Christ, and how he works through people. I’ve also heard God talking to me and taking me where he wanted me to go, and what things to tolerate. I’ve also learned how to openly go up to people and talk to them. It’s also been really good to create new friends in the group, because I didn’t really know a lot of the kids, and even some of the leaders too. Overall, it’s been a really amazing week.”